Word Search Insects

Locate the right word as shown by collecting the letters from this board at Word Search Insects - the new ABCya online puzzle game that tests your observation skills to the fullest. The goal is to spot the required words as shown on the right-side panel on the screen. The faster you manage to spot the words the better. These words can be hidden in the straight lines of blocks regardless of the direction.

If you can find the given words in the order of horizontal lines, vertical, or even diagonal lines, they will be removed from the board. More scores are given to the players with the most words collected in the shortest time! Press the block showing the first alphabet and move your way toward the last alphabet to select the words. In order to locate all the words displayed, you need to use your amazing eye and hand coordination as fast as possible.

Complete the levels to win the game with your amazing skills when it comes to solving problems. With the colorful graphics, the players will get to enjoy a signature board filled with letters and layout changing depending on the levels. Keep moving forward and make sure to unlock all the hidden words to enhance your vocabulary when it comes to insect names!

Tons of puzzle games like Whack A Mole With Buddies can be your next targets after you have conquered this game from https://abcya4.net/! Let's see if you can come up with any special technique to clear the board faster than the other competitive players online or not! This game will be a certain guarantee a fun playtime and better vocabulary in no time!

How to play:

Click on the first alphabet and move to the last alphabet of the words to clear it off.